Title: Inflation Soars in Lebanon Despite the Economic Crisis
Introduction: Lebanon's economy is currently struggling to recover from a severe economic crisis that is characterized by hyperinflation and a currency that is rapidly losing value. The people of the country are struggling to make ends meet as a result of soaring costs and a severe reduction in their purchasing power. It was the 34th consecutive month that Lebanon was experiencing hyperinflation when the country's annual inflation rate reached a startling 269% in the month of April 2023. This article digs into the ongoing problems that have been brought about by hyperinflation in Lebanon, exploring the influence that it has had on a variety of different economic sectors مقدمة: يكافح الاقتصاد اللبناني حاليًا للتعافي من أزمة اقتصادية حادة تميزت بالتضخم المفرط والعملة التي تفقد قيمتها بسرعة. يكافح سكان البلاد لتغطية نفقاتهم نتيجة لارتفاع التكاليف والانخفاض الحاد في قدرتهم الشرائية. كان الشهر الرابع والثلاثون على التوالي الذي يشهد فيه لبنان تضخمًا مفرطًا عندما وصل معدل الت...